ServerlessDays ANZ 2023

Load Testing Event-Driven Serverless Backends – This talk discusses how to design load test architectures based on AWS, which can help developers determine the appropriate expected peak load for their serverless loads. The talk focuses on setting up and configuring metrics and understanding the needs of different environments using open source tools such as k6 deployed on EC2 on AWS. The speaker shows a demo of performing such testing on a sample production workload and shares learnings gained from it. Audience members will learn about the need for chaos engineering within cloud workloads and how to work with KPIs formed as part of testing. They will walk away ready to set up their own load testing architectures and better serve their stakeholders accessing their endpoints.

RoboCon Online 2023

DevSecOps as a Culture with the Robot Framework – This talk discussed the increasing importance of DevSecOps in the Work From Home (WFH) culture due to the rise in cybercrime. We focused on how testing with the Robot Framework can be integrated into DevSecOps-related projects within teams, and how to create an iterative development approach. We compared testing with the Robot Framework in DevSecOps to the traditional DevOps approach within the agile environment and provided a step-by-step guide on managing testing with the framework from planning to automation in a DevSecOps context with a Cloud provider such as Azure. We also presented a case study of testing using Robot Framework in one of our projects and provided attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to implement DevSecOps in their own projects and prioritize security while working from home.

AWS User Group Melbourne

Automating Compliance and Governance within a Continuously Threatened Technology Landscape – In this talk, we discussed the importance of compliance and security best practices in the face of increasing cybersecurity threats, using recent attacks on companies like Optus and Medibank as examples. We focused on how to track changes within the AWS environment using AWS Config and align them with industry best practices, policies, and multi-account, multi-region configurations. Additionally, we explored how compliance can be automated through centralizing governance and monitoring using deployment, audit, remediation, and notification workflows.

Melbourne Agile Enterprise Architecture Meetup

 Architecting an Enterprise Based on DevSecOps and Agile – This talk focused on the importance of adopting DevSecOps and Agile methodologies in architecting an enterprise to address the rising cybersecurity threats faced by organizations today. By building a culture of security, embracing automation, ongoing testing and monitoring, and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, organizations can integrate security into all aspects of the development process, ensuring that security is maintained throughout and that software is delivered faster and more efficiently.


Once More Onto the Breach – This discussion will look at setting security goals, understanding the need for Zero Trust, how to establish secure coding as a culture, and looking into example case studies on how to achieve this.

PMI North Alabama Chapter

Planning and Executing Technical Cloud Projects with Agile – This was a session on planning and executing technical cloud projects with agile. We explored how Covid-19 has impacted the hybrid working environment of today and the essential knowledge and skills that project managers need to succeed in this environment. One key topic we discussed was risk assessment and management within these cloud projects. We looked at how the risk management process can be integrated into the project team’s processes, and how to create and use an appropriate risk management framework and plan. As project managers come from both traditional and agile styles of project management, we also talked about how to combine both styles to get the best results. The session was capped off with a case study that showcased best practices in project management for cloud projects, as well as common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

PMI Indonesia Chapter – PRANKS #52

I spoke at PRANKS #52 about Project Management on Cloud Migration Projects. During the session, we delved into various components of project management, including the importance of designing an appropriate agile-based work breakdown structure and the significance of examining scope management within this context. Additionally, we explored how to combine both traditional and agile styles of project management to maximize their benefits within these types of projects.


Cloudy with a Chance of Agile: During this talk, we explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on project management, including the increased adoption of agile and migration of workloads to the cloud. We discussed strategies for planning and executing technical projects with agile while incorporating the cloud and satisfying stakeholders. We also examined how to consider organizational capability, adapt considerations into the work breakdown structure, and develop communication plans from a tech company perspective. Additionally, we discussed which workloads are suitable for the cloud and how to track KPIs. We identified common mistakes made by organizations transitioning into an agile-based culture and working with the cloud, and concluded with a case study demonstrating successful adaptation and delivery of results using agile and the cloud.

    Flutter Global Summit’21

    Deploying Real-Time, Full-Stack Applications: An AWS Case Study – In this talk, I discuss configurations and considerations of building and deploying full-stack Flutter applications on AWS and how it can bring value for businesses.

    Python Web Conference 2021

    Understanding Best Practices in Building and Deploying Pyramid Cloud Application – I will cover best practice topics in planning including how to choose a persistence mechanism, planning for extensibility of the application as needed, and preparing the tools needed for the application’s layers. For the development of the application itself, I will talk about how to properly utilize scaffolds, effectively use declarative configuration, understand how to make the best use of the authentication, manage view configurations with mechanisms such as URL dispatch and traversal, monitoring the deployment on a cloud service and more.

    KubeSec Enterprise Online 2021

    The Art of Building Secure Kubernetes Pipelines – In this talk, I will discuss best practices in securing developments within Kubernetes Pipelines and the tools, considerations, and tips to take into account as part of this.

    Chaos Carnival 2021

    Building on System Resilience with Chaos Engineering for Serverless Applications on AWS – This talk will discuss how teams can plan for chaos engineering within serverless projects on AWS, and the necessary measures to put in place to improve the system in terms of availability and resiliency. This will include best practices in coding for chaos engineering on serverless applications, considerations to keep in mind when planning chaos engineering for a new serverless project, understanding how to apply chaos to different components of your serverless application infrastructure while fixing things as they break, and more.

    Pyjamas 2020

    Cryptocurrency, Ledgers, and Python, Oh My…! – Blockchain still remains a term that is loosely affiliated with Python, despite the potential that Python actually has for it. In this talk, I will elaborate on why this is so and show how one can construct a ledger, mine blocks, while updating the ledger with the blocks mined.

    DartUp 2020

    Designing Accessible Distributed Systems Apps with Dart – With more businesses transitioning to using distributed systems for their core business applications, designing for accessibility has become more important than ever. This talk will discuss how to plan for, design, and evaluate an accessible app.

    PyCon Indonesia 2020

    Developing More Secure Testing on AWS with PyTest – In the Work From Home (WFH) culture now, more and more business are shifting their projects to the cloud. AWS is currently one of the most popular cloud services available for many Pythonistas in deploying their projects. This talk will explain how PyTest is run on AWS and guide you through making effective, useful tests to run based on AWS architecture and its services alongside with your core application components.

    DevRel/Asia 2020

    Hacking Those Relations! – Holding an Effective Online Hackathon – This talk will provide insights on considerations one has to consider when hosting an online hackathon during the age of Covid-19 and what we can do to allow internal and external stakeholders to make the most out of the experience.

    Watch the talk on DevRel/Asia’s channel at

    Microsoft 365 Day 2020

    Automating Smart Analytics with Power BI and Azure Machine Learning – In this talk, I discuss how to utilize Azure to create machine learning models which are used to create smart analytics based on raw data before being sent for visualization in Power BI, and afterwards how to pick the right visualizations based on the analytics gained from the smart data.

    Node-RED Con Tokyo 2020

    Deploying Successful Core Business Applications with Node-RED – This talk outlines how you can use Node-RED with AWS to operate alongside core business applications. This includes how to set up your cloud services accordingly, how to plan for such a project, and more. To view the talk on YouTube, visit

    Conf42 Javascript 2020

    Using Our Own Custom Graphics Library to Show Them Analytics!: Already got bored of those using those default graphics libraries like Canvas? Why not create your own Graphics library then? This talk will show how to create a graphics library from scratch and how to best use the latest tools in Javascript to best add on to make it a ready-to-use product!

    AWS Community Day MENA 2020

    Small Leap for Developer, Giant Leap for Security – Why DevSecOps is More Important than Ever and How It’s Done: This talk outlines the importance of DevSecOps in the age of Covid-19 and how we can best utilize it on AWS in order to secure our workloads against the ever-evolving threats of the Work From Home (WFH) culture. I focus in particular on the effects on DevSecOps in the Agile environment and how to best configure services in accordance to best practices for DevSecOps. Link to talk can be found in the recorded livestream below.

    GeekConf Singapore 2019

    Implementing Open Source-Based Motion Controlled Robotic Arms with Python and C: This talk demonstrates how one is able to start their own projects within mechatronics, particularly in being able to use and control open source robotic arms to move along with the motion of their hand. Programs are written in C and Python and the motion is taken from the Leap Motion Sensor.

    Pycon Malaysia 2019

    The Rise of the Motion Controlled Robotic Arms: This talk will aim to show a fascinating side to programming with the complement of hardware on the side; this in particular using industrial-grade robotic arms. Through programming the receiving end of the leap motion technology in Python, I will demonstrate how one will be able to receive the coordinates, transport the data to be stored in the cloud, and eventually put the coordinates out for use in the robotic arms themselves and how the arms will interpret the movement to best be followed. 

    JoomlaDay Australia 2019

    Going Serverless with Joomla on Amazon Web Services: The sequel to my talk in JoomlaDay Australia 2017! Often times, to simplify deployment, reduce complexity, and work with agile development, we would want our website to be deployed serverless. This session will outline the benefits of going serverless with Joomla and how one can use Amazon Web Services’ serverless features, particularly linked to using EC2 and Docker services offered with that, to go deploy your Joomla website serverless.


    A Look into Accessible Integration with IoT Technology: We have seen our usage of more and more technology around us integrate with the Internet of Things concept. The web is no different; IoT is changing how we are able to deploy various resources on the web and have opened up many new considerations as to how we can make these changes accessible to a wide audience.This talk will outline the said changes as well as the considerations and how we can adapt our web services and technology to better make IoT more accessible for a wider audience.

    MonkeyFest 2017 – Global Xamarin Summit

    Developing IoT Within the Xamarin and Azure Environment: Taking place in the office of Microsoft Singapore, I talk about how to develop Xamarin Apps that are linked to Azure to receive data from it that are transmitted by a device. This talk is geared towards encouraging cross-platform mobile development for developers of IoT-based software and hardware and looks into a future that can be beneficial for them with these apps.

    2nd Business Men and Women of Color Podcast

    How IoT is Changing the Landscape of Information Technology: With the rapid growth of the internet of things, it is no surprise that it will slowly envelop more and more businesses and will affect the way technology firms innovate. In this podcast, I discuss how this is so and what to look towards the future for for the businesses who are starting to look towards innovating more with it.

    JoomlaDay Australia 2017

    The Integration of Joomla with the Internet of Things Concept: The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is becoming a booming topic as of recent. We have seen many different platforms implement this concept, and Joomla is no exception. In this talk, I discuss the trends of IoT within Joomla and show a practical example of how this is particularly applied with a raspberry pi.

    Global Mobile App Summit and Awards (GMASA) 2017 Indonesia

    Creating Innovation via Apps: This is a panel discussion to talk about how every of the panellists in their fields are creating innovation through their apps for their users.

    Closing Keynote at Harvard Model Congress Asia 2017

    I was selected and invited at the end of Harvard Model Congress Asia 2017 to give the closing speech to conclude the conference for the 600+ delegates that attended the closing ceremony. Here, I talked about the highlights and what to look forward to towards the future of Harvard Model Congress Asia.