President of Association of Enterprise Architects Melbourne Chapter

As the President of the Melbourne chapter, I contribute to furthering and providing thought leadership towards the Enterprise Architecture profession. I lead the committee to set direction for chapter, plan and execute events, and work with members to meet their professional growth goals.

Association of Enterprise Architects, Melbourne, Australia Chapter is a local Chapter of the Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA). AEA is the definitive professional association for Enterprise Architects. The chapter primarily serves as a networking forum which offers the opportunity for enterprise architects to share issues, concerns, thoughts and professional experiences while discussing new, emerging trends related to the profession.

Amazon Web Services

AWS Subject Matter Expert

As an AWS subject matter expert, I contribute towards the development of AWS certification exams by participating in exam development workshops. Throughout the duration of the workshops, I develop exam questions for use in the exams and contribute my experience in assessing exam questions to be put in the exams.

I have been active in contributing towards the AWS Data Analytics Specialty and AWS Solutions Architect Professional certifications and have earned the AWS SME Specialty and SME Professional badges.

AWS Community Builder

The AWS Community Builders program is a program offering technical resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts and emerging thought leaders on the platform.

As a community builder, I am active in the open source community in talking about how my own AWS experiences can help with others’ experiences, such as within conferences or in daily work settings.

Project Management Institute

Judge for 2021 PMI Make Reality Challenge

In the Make Reality Challenge, participating teams must think about problems in the sub themes related to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in the format of a hackathon.

As a judge for the PMI Make Reality Hackathon, I receive the submissions of select participants and assess them, giving them an overall score in the process. This has been a very exciting opportunity for me to give back towards the project management community, as it has been fascinating to see all the ideas that people are passionate about and how they will go about implementing them.

PMP Practice Exam Questions Reviewer

As an assessor for practice exam questions, I, along with a group of other subject matter experts, contribute our expertise to evaluating given questions that are made that would be used within the PMP’s official practice exam question set. We provide our opinions for each question in terms of if we believe its good to go or provide constructive feedback if we would like it further worked on before being used within the question set.

IEEE Technical Program Committee

In the thousands of IEEE conferences that have happened/are happening around the world, the Technical Program Committee (TPC) conducts reviews of different submitted papers and gives a recommendation of acceptance/rejection based on their reviews.

As a reviewer of the IEEE in numerous conferences’ technical program committees, my responsibilities include providing feedback to community questions for submissions towards the IEEE Journals and giving an overall recommendation to accept or reject the paper. I specialize in reviewing papers related to Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and other similarly related areas

Australian Information Security Association

AISA aims for the development of a robust information security sector within the Australian landscape by building the capacity of professionals and advance the safety of cyber security and safety for the general public. The association aims to promote best security practices through events, training and webinars held.

As an active member of AISA, I tune in to live and on-demand security webinars, ensuring that I am always up to date with what is currently going on within the Australian Information Security space. It has been a great opportunity for me to network and provide my own feedback on certain things currently going around in the space.