The GReS Envimo

The GReS Envimo is a portable, pocket-sized air pollution monitoring device containing 5 different sensors capable of measuring 8 different parameters. These parameters include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and more. This was what started the GReS Studio initiative in the first place. To read more about GReS Studio, click the read more button below.

Motion-Controlled Robotic Arms? Whaaaaaaat?
This C++ and Python-based project is about operating industry-grade, 7 degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic arms through utilizing leap motion technology to capture the motion data that is transmitted from the user’s hands hovering over the sensor.

Mini IoT-based Weather Station

This project is an IoT and Raspberry Pi-based project based on building a mini weather station with two different sensors, mainly to demonstrate IoT’s capabilities within Python and Joomla. This project was presented by me in PyCon Taiwan 2017 and Joomladay 2017. You can see more of the talks in the talks section and the project at the read more button below.
The University of Melbourne Subject Review Website

The University of Melbourne Subject Website is a website I created from scratch to allow students to be able to review subjects while also being able to facilitate communications between instructors/tutors and students by allowing them to add updates to the subject syllabus on the website or answer questions. This is done in response to being able to provide a transparent feedback mechanism for students to be able to access one another’s thoughts about the subjects that they encounter.
Wireless, Image Machine Learning Remote Controlled Car

This image machine learning, wireless controlled car is one of my more whimsical projects. Through utilising a couple of Arduino boards, along with a remote, wireless car kit and a pixy camera, I was able to create this particular project. It can be controlled up to a range of 40 meters. This is still currently under work and further details will be released as the project nears completion.
Shadow Mine – Two Player RTS Game

Shadow Mine is a real time strategy (RTS), two player versus game I created based on object-oriented principles in Java that basically has the objective of two players facing off to destroy every other building and unit from the other player to achieve victory while collecting resources to build them. This game is a good example of object-oriented development of games within Java, thus showing how to best get started with it and build on to the more advanced type of game development.
Xamarin-based App Development for GReS Envimo
Done some app designing for one Iphone but wish you could expand it to Android and Windows Phones as well?
After some experimenting with Xamarin, I finally managed to accomplish just that. In this project, I was able to create an interface that could receive data from Azure that was transmitted from my GReS Envimo. This interface allows users to view data on the go; best of all, it is very inoperable since with its cross-platform advantage, it is able to be used by users from each platform.

Solar Parabola Egg Frying Experiment

In 2015, after stepping into the boiling, humid weather of Jakarta after frying an egg, I thought: would this hot weather be hot enough to be able to fry an egg?
I then thought about how I would be able to accomplish this. Just putting it in a pan surely would not work, no matter how hot the weather gets. So then I decided to design a parabola made from aluminium to focus the light on the centre of the parabola, which would in turn fry the egg.
If you want to read more, you can download and read the free e-book from the Apple Books store documenting how its made, more about the background, and much more about the experiment through the button below!
The Book of Essential Investing
Having played in the stock market since 2010, I have always wanted to talk about my experiences and help others to get to know more about the stock market. This was where the idea for writing this book eventually came up.
The book of essential investing is a book regarding investing (pretty self explanatory right there) that aims to provide beginners to investing with a taste of what investing is like and what to watch out for. This book also provides advice for the more intermediate investors as to trends that they can use to help them in their investing journey as well.
The book is made based on experiences in the Indonesian market, but is definitely applicable in any market. A physical edition of the book was released; an E-book edition will be released shortly, so stay tuned!